Three dimensional model
Cinema 4D
︎︎︎ Modeling
︎︎︎ Texturing
︎︎︎ Lighting
︎︎︎ Animation
︎︎︎ Simulation
Cinema 4D
︎︎︎ Modeling
︎︎︎ Texturing
︎︎︎ Lighting
︎︎︎ Animation
︎︎︎ Simulation
3D modeling came into my life in 2018 when I started learning how to model and animate in Cinema 4D. This project was my first work for the 3D animation discipline and consisted of reproducing an object that we use in everyday life. In addition to the modeling, I also created all the textures that we can see in the prototype.
︎︎︎ 3D Modeling
︎︎︎ Cinema 4D software
︎︎︎ Portugal 2018
︎︎︎ 3D Modeling
︎︎︎ Cinema 4D software
︎︎︎ Portugal 2018