A manifesto
︎︎︎ Manifesto
︎︎︎ Graphic Design role
︎︎︎ Word/image
︎︎︎ Discourse - intencional speech
︎︎︎ Individual expression
︎︎︎ Far from capitalism
A manifesto
︎︎︎ Manifesto
︎︎︎ Graphic Design role
︎︎︎ Word/image
︎︎︎ Discourse - intencional speech
︎︎︎ Individual expression
︎︎︎ Far from capitalism
This manifesto was part of the practical object of my master's thesis ‘Freedom of Experience’ that focused on free Graphic Design. It aims to reach all creatives, with the purpose of showing them the empty space where creativity takes place. The word/image tension emerges in this device through the physical form in which it is assumed. With this multidimensional form, it is intended to transport the beds to a space that is not absolute, linear and that includes several connections within a single body. The main message of the manifesto focuses on the general appeal to
deformat and deprogram
graphic designers, assuming Graphic Design as a thoughtful process tool.
︎︎︎ Manifesto
︎︎︎ Sewn paper, sewn concepts (A2)
︎︎︎ Caldas da Rainha, Portugal 2022
︎︎︎ Manifesto
︎︎︎ Sewn paper, sewn concepts (A2)
︎︎︎ Caldas da Rainha, Portugal 2022