Popular expressions
︎︎︎ Image / GIF
︎︎︎ Draw translation
︎︎︎ Literal representation
︎︎︎ Storytelling
︎︎︎ Portuguese culture
Popular expressions
︎︎︎ Image / GIF
︎︎︎ Draw translation
︎︎︎ Literal representation
︎︎︎ Storytelling
︎︎︎ Portuguese culture
These illustrations embody a visual representation of portuguese proverbs and popular expressions, drawn as a literal translation in a humurous way.
︎︎︎ Portuguese popular expressions
︎︎︎ Procreate software
︎︎︎ Portugal 2019-2020
︎︎︎ Portuguese popular expressions
︎︎︎ Procreate software
︎︎︎ Portugal 2019-2020