Impulso Festival App

        ︎︎︎ User interface
        ︎︎︎ User experience
        ︎︎︎ Wireframe
        ︎︎︎ Technology
        ︎︎︎ User design
Impulso Festival is a multidisciplinary event that comes as part of the celebration of the 15th anniversary of the Degree in Sound and Image at The concept of the application is to transmit a night image of party and music. The app is very intuitive and simplified so that communication focuses on disseminating easily accessible information. The mostly dark palette contrasts with the canary yellow that gives it a boost energy associated with music.  This app is a helping tool to the dissemination and interaction of the public that wants to go to the festival, or simply access the programme. The application has the schedule and summary of the event, venue plan, artists, playlists, favorites list and tickets.

︎︎︎ Mobile app
︎︎︎ Impulso Festival 2018
︎︎︎ Caldas da Rainha, Portugal 2018